2024 Manufacturing Industry Trends

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2024 Manufacturing Industry Trends, conducted in collaboration with professionals from a variety of manufacturing sectors across North America.

The Manufacturing sector is swiftly integrating new technology to fulfill requirements in demand planning, quality control, sustainability, and supply chain objectives. Commitments in fields such as AI and machine learning provide a route to accomplishing strategic goals in business operations, sustainability, and adherence to regulations.

Alithya's recent industry survey unveils manufacturers' strategy for implementing new technology workloads, while also highlighting ambiguity regarding the prioritization of initiatives amidst various business challenges, aiming to attain optimal outcomes efficiently.

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Assessing strategies amidst evolving business landscapes, prioritizing performance enhancements across various sectors.

AI and machine learning technologies utilization and advancements.

Process automation and supply chain priorities

Focus areas for improvement

Addressing concerns about supply chain resilience and strategies

Key takeaways from Alithya's 2024 Manufacturing Trends Survey include:

Key takeaways from Alithya's 2024 Manufacturing Trends Survey include:

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More about Alithya's 2024 Manufacturing Survey

Survey Report and Analysis